
alpha! - this will probably make your computer need therapy!

I make lists for pretty much everything. I've also been working on UNIX for more than half my life, and got frustrated with fancy-pants outliners and stuff that had proprietary formats which were hard to share across computers or web interfaces that required sign-ins and were hard to mash into other projects.

So, I wrote listm. It's a Python-based project to let me manage lists how I want. It uses sqlite3 as a backend.

List Items are the first-class citizen in listm--There's no idea of Projects or Project Lists or anything, just that each list item has a parent. This makes it easy to move things around as you need to.

I've also separated the list logic from the display logic, so that I could write a couple of frontends:

listm is currently pretty rough in terms of taming insanity with error checking and producing pretty output, but it's online at github: listm at GitHub


tjohnson@erdos> listmcli
listm> ls
2: todo list
3: school todos
23: esam411-3
24: esam412-1
25: esam446-2
26: esam495-0
29: linear algebra prelim exam
30: jordan blocks
31: gerschgorin theorem
32: eigenvectors/left eigenvectors
listm> cd 29
listm> ls
30: jordan blocks
31: gerschgorin theorem
32: eigenvectors/left eigenvectors