In Atlanta
- One minute read - 129 wordsWell, I made it at least as far as Atlanta. The Boeing 757 we flew in had touchscreens in each monitor that told me I’ve traveled 2326 miles so far. Landing was pretty smooth, and the flight was relatively easy. A bit longer than I’d expected, and a little bit more restless than I’d hoped.
I stopped to get some food immediately on arriving, somewhere called Krystal Hamburger. They have a Sausage Scramble Combo, a cup full of scrambled eggs, sausage, and grits! How awesome.
I did have one little hitch, though. Since my layover is like 13 hours, they wouldn’t print my boarding pass for the Atlanta -> Rio flight. They did say they’d check my bag all the way through, but I guess we’ll see. Here’s hoping…