ZSH and scp/rsync globbing
- One minute read - 138 wordsI finally got annoyed at typing
tjohnson> scp tcj:*txt .
zsh: no matches found: tcj:*txt
I’d always fixed this by the up-CTRL-A-over-over-over-over-quote-CTRL-E-over-over-quote method, ie
tjohnson> scp "tcj:*txt" .
but the more proper and less annoying version is
tjohnson> scp tcj:\*txt .
However, in the spirit of inspired overkill, there are a couple other options. You can define some new aliases with
alias scp='noglob scp'
but that hardly counts as overkill, so instead I edited my .zshrc to include
autoload -U url-quote-magic
zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic
zstyle -e :urlglobber url-other-schema \
'[[ $words[1] == scp ]] && reply=("*") || reply=(http https ftp)'
Now, as I type scp tcj:* it replaces it with \*, negating the problem. Also, this fixes the problem where
wget http://traviscj.com/dynpage.php?var=1&importantvar=zyzyx
interprets the & as a ‘background this command’ and throws a couple of errors. Nice!