i fucking love mangoes
- One minute read - 111 wordsSpecifically, the Philippine Brand Dried Mangoes. They are amazingly good.
But there is a slight problem. Costco sells them in 30 oz bulk packs, which is 20 servings at 160 calories/serving or 3200 calories total. Left to my own devices and lack of self discipline, I could probably eat (and subsequently regret eating) the entire bag of mangoes.
I need a self-check to disgust myself and impose a bit more of a speedbump than an already-opened bag provides. So I fired up the FoodSaver and made individual serving sized-bags:
![individual_mango]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/individual_mango_s.jpg)
Each was individually weighed to be one serving:
![individual_mango_weighed]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/individual_mango_weighed_s.jpg)
I ended up making 20:
![individual_mangoes]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/individual_mangoes_s.jpg)