christmas commute
By traviscj
- One minute read - 206 wordsI did a 725-mile drive yesterday from Prosser, WA to San Francisco, CA. I captured the daylight hours with a GoPro timelapse and turned it into a video!
This was the actual loop we took, including the trip up to Washington. We spent two nights in Oregon – one in Grants Pass and one in Portland.
![]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/christmas_commute_s.png)
My GoPro mount held the pictures upside down, so I transformed all of them with a quick
for f in upside-down/*; do
convert $f -rotate 180 $(basename $f)
and then transformed all of the images into an MP4 with
brew install ffmpeg
ffmpeg -framerate 24 -pattern_type glob -i '*.JPG' -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4
I learned that I would do several things differently for the next timelapse:
- find a soundtrack
- angle the gopro up more and/or crop the video down to get rid of the dashboard
- use a smaller photo interval, probably 1, 2, or 5 seconds.
- use the “capture setting” to flip it upside down instead of flipping it “in post”.
- set up the correct time, date, and resolution for the pictures.
- Probably act like an actual photographer and lower the resolution at night in the hope that we could still catch some short exposures.