Some more ways Acronis fails, just for the record:
- Completely useless log files. Error messages are crucial in applications. Acronis says ‘Error creating file’. This could mean:
- I couldn’t resolve the FTP server’s hostname
- I could resolve the hostname, but could not connect to the FTP port
- I could resolve the hostname and connect, but I could not authenticate.
- I could resolve, connect, authenticate, but I could not create a new file.
- Any number of other things. I could not create a temporary file(Why? No permissions in Acronis’s temporary folder? No hard drive space? It already exists? The folder that should be the temporary folder doesn’t exist?)
Another error we’ve gotten a few times is ‘Failed to process pair script (some hash).’ While it might be useful to someone, it’s not really any help. A lot of the same stuff applies: Is the file corrupt? What’s wrong with it? Improper syntax? The configuration files are XML, they should be editable as such. Point being: Acronis, get your stuff together and write some real, honest error checking code. It’s boring code to write, but it’s boilerplate stuff, and basic. This is what you hire interns for. Please do so.
2. The GUI stinks. Everything is wizard based. This in itself isn’t so much of a problem, but it becomes one with their absolute awful support of stuff like, oh, say, remembering passwords. To see how this is an issue: Say I realize that I want maximum encryption on my backup archives. So, I load up the tasks list, click the one I want to change, click the ‘changed settings’ button. It asks me what I want to backup(2-3 screens), then where I want to back it up to. I tell it the FTP site, and it asks me for my login for that site, then allows me to navigate(keep in mind this is already stored in the configuration file I’m trying to edit, in some encrypted form(hopefully, though I would not bet 2bits on it)). Then, it asks me if I want to sign in to the FTP anonymously or use a username and password. Upon selecting non-anonymously, it asks me for the same username and password. Every single time you try to change any part of the configuration.
3. The command line stinks. There are just a couple of commands, including trueimagecmd and trueimagemnt, but both of them are completely inconsistant on file argument parsing: trueimagemnt uses the more standard UNIX conventions of [-(shortopt)|–(longopt)] (arg) while trueimagecmd uses the completely zany –(longopt):(arg). The command trueimagecmd allows a –verify command, but doesn’t include it in the runtime help or the manual page. None of this seems like too big of a deal, but Acronis is basically the only program that we actual require any GUI at all for on 2 of our 4 main servers. It’d be very nice to have backups and not need a GUI.