I’ve been working on a few fun projects recently.
First: I built a temperature controller out of a crock pot and a cheap import temperature controller. It looks like this:
![temperature controller top]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/temperature_controller_top_s.jpg)
![temperature controller bottom]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/temperature_controller_bottom_s.jpg)
I’ve used it to cook eggs and steak. Both turned out great! Here’s the only shots I got of the steak:
![steak vacuum sealed]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/steak_vacuum_sealed_s.jpg)
![steak cooking]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/steak_cooking_s.jpg)
Next, I’ve put together another refinement of the hydroponic tomato setup we have in our living room. Also, just realized I haven’t added the backposts about it yet. Allison and I started three tomato plants back in May: